Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day Two.

It's day Two of the juice fast and I woke up this morning feeling great! I have a confession. I took two Advil PM before I went to bed :) I know that kind of defeats the purpose of a juice fast, but I knew that if I went to bed with the headache I had, I would've never gotten to sleep. So what's worse? Go to bed with a raging headache and toss and turn all night, or take 2 pills, sleep like a log, and wake up refreshed and ready to juice? I read everywhere that the first three to five days of a fast, your body is detoxing from the years of abuse it endured. The results of the detox are headaches, acne, sore muscles, a fogginess in your brain, just a general feeling of ickiness. 

I thought I would be STARVING when I woke up, but I wasn't! I felt fine. I didn't feel sluggish and cranky like usual. It was truly fascinating! Yesterday, all I could think about was eating. I wanted to binge on burgers and fries. I wanted a milkshake. Forcing myself to ignore those thoughts was the hardest part of the day. Today, I still have the cravings, but they're not like a lion roaring in my face. Now it's like a chained up dog barking down the road. Does that make sense? Anyhow, I still catch myself almost sneaking a bite of my son's fruit salad or licking pasta sauce off of my fingers. I mentioned it before but it really is amazing how unaware I am of eating.

I'm hoping this fast will re-train my tastebuds so I don't crave grease, fat, sugar, salt, and refined carbs. Crossing my fingers!

We broke tonight. We were doing so well until about 8pm. I went for a jog tonight (Bad idea when starting a fast). I did my usual 3 miles and was feeling weaker than usual. I could feel it in my muscles that they were weaker. When I got home, the room was spinning. I felt so faint and dizzy. I HAD to eat something. I knew that I pushed myself too hard. I asked my hubs how he was feeling and he felt the same way. He's a big guy. Very tall and I think the drastic caloric reduction was too much for him too. So we ate some spinach salad, some green beans, and yaki soba noodles.

Now hubs says he feels sick and he wishes he hadn't eaten. I feel very very full. I still feel weak. I'm not sure how/if we're going to continue the fast. Ughhh.... super disappointed with ourselves! Tomorrow's another day and I guess we'll talk more seriously about our plans then.

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